HERMLE C42U (5-axis)
X/Y/Z: 800/800/550 mm
direct position measuring system
spindle speed max: 18000 rpm
magazine pockets: 42 items
table load max: 1500 kg
X/Y/Z: 800/800/550 mm
direct position measuring system
spindle speed max: 18000 rpm
magazine pockets: 42 items
table load max: 1500 kg
X/Y/Z: 600/500/540 mm
spindle speed max: 10000 rpm
direct position measuring system
control: ITNC 530
X/Y/Z: 1020/560/600 mm
table dims: 1000×560 mm
detail weight: 1350 kg
direct position measuring system
revolving table Lehmann EA-510: possibility to work in 4 axis simultaneously
X/Y/Z: 2200/560/720 mm
spindle speed max: 12000 rpm
direct measuring system
rapid traverse: 50 m/min
control Heidenhein TNC 430
via-spindle cooling
X-axis linear drive
X/Y/Z: 1000/800/500 mm
table dims: 1250 x 800 mm
item weight: 1200 kg
X/Y/Z: 640/600/500 mm
table dims: 1250 x 800 mm
item weight: 1200 kg
X/Y/Z: 1000/600/650 mm
spindle speed max: 8000 rpm
direct position measuring system
pillar design
rapid traverse 50 m/min
control: Heidenhain TNC 430
X/Y/Z: 800/540/620 mm
table dims: 1000 x 540 mm
item weight: 850 kg
X/Y/Z: 800/500/420 mm
table dims: 1000 x 500 mm
item weigth: 850 kg
module max size: 6mm (8mm with lower tolerances)
gear max diameter with bracket: 450mm (without bracket: 800mm)